The riveting emerald gaze on the book
cover to the left is meant to draw you into the mystery of ACAPULCO ESCONDIDO (Hidden Acapulco).
It's no mystery, however, whose eye that is. That's right. You guessed it. It belongs to our own Lisa, who is now a cover girl in
the true sense of the word. Her face is used wrap-around style on both the front and back covers of the murder mystery.
It all started when Lisa was in Acapulco on an extended singing engagement. She met and became friends with author Eric
Sebastian, a former New York advertising man living in Acapulco. Sebastian, upon advice of a top American literary agent, was developing the novel. He used Lisa as a sounding board, discussing with her ideas and plot lines.
When the book was finished, Lisa was the first to read it. She says, "I loved it!" The dialogue snaps and there are touches
throughout that fans of Mickey Spillane will appreciate.
The publisher, INFINITY PUBLISHING.COM, decided it wanted a show stopper cover
for the exciting novel. They turned to one of the book's biggest fans – Lisa.
The result is a real eye-catcher, don't you agree?
Lisa says if you like fast-moving, believable stories –- and you'd like to know what
Mexico today is really like –- you'll enjoy ACAPULCO ESCONDIDO. You can click on these web sites for all the details.